Upcoming Club Events

Club Grand Championships
All members in good standing are invited to dress up and join us in the best party of the year. This year’s theme is TBD. As always, we will be holding the tournament over 2 weekends. Each member can sign up for ONE of the dates. The winner of each tournament will play in the Grand Final (date TBD based on team availability.)

Club Grand Championships
All members in good standing are invited to dress up and join us in the best party of the year. This year’s theme is TBD. As always, we will be holding the tournament over 2 weekends. Each member can sign up for ONE of the dates. The winner of each tournament will play in the Grand Final (date TBD based on team availability.)

Bowls Alberta Singles Championships
Registration Deadline: Friday July 12th
Entrants must be eligible under the rules of World Bowls to participate in the “World Champion of Champions” singles event and, should they win the Canadian Outdoor Singles Championship, be prepared to sign a BCB Athlete Agreement and agree to represent Canada at the following year’s World Champion of Champions singles event.
Entry Fee: $50 per player
For More information and to register, visit Bowls Alberta.

Practice and Lessons
Join us for an evening of drop-in practice and lessons at the Club, perfect for both returning and new members.

Practice and Lessons
Join us for an evening of drop-in practice and lessons at the Club, perfect for both returning and new members.

Practice and Lessons
Join us for an evening of drop-in practice and lessons at the Club, perfect for both returning and new members.

Club Scrub - Spring 24 Clean Up
Join us Saturday, May 18th, for a club cleanup session to prep for the upcoming season! We're counting on your support to make the club shine. Starting at 1pm, we'll be tackling various tasks including cleaning the clubhouse, kitchen, and washrooms, sprucing up the outdoor areas, and general gardening duties like trimming bushes and mowing the grass along the fence line. Don't forget to bring along your gardening tools, pressure washer if you have one, and most importantly, yourself. We'll provide the cleaning supplies and anything else we might need. Last year when we wrapped up in just 2 hours!